The science of Infertility Treatment is constantly evolving and new technology and expertise is being constantly developed at our advanced IVF Centre in India with the result that the Pregnancy and live birth rates have significantly improved over the past few years.
At India’s leading IVF Clinics we have a scientific approach to diagnose the cause for infertility. Our IVF center has state-of-the-art facilities for (IVF), In Vitro Fertilization and fully functional laboratory for diagnostic and therapeutic tests. The world class facilities along with competent staff have enabled us to achieve an outstanding success rate. We provide everything under one roof and make best possible efforts to help infertile couples achieve their dreams of parenthood.
Hundreds of International Patients who travelled long distance to India have benefitted from the expertise of renowned Indian doctors.
In Vitro Fertilisation refers to the medical technique through which the female’s egg cells are fertilised by male sperm outside of the body. Hormones are used to control the female’s ovulatory process in order to ensure the generation of a sufficient number of eggs. The procedure is completed with the removal of the eggs from the ovary of the female and allowing the union of the egg and the sperm in a controlled fluid. Once the egg is fertilised, it is transferred to the female uterus. IVF treatment is preceded by a range of screening tests for both the male and the female. Screening tests can be done in the patients’ home country. The female should arrive in India a day or two prior to commencement of her monthly cycle and will be required to stay in India for two to three weeks. The male partner is required only for retrieval of the sperm, if he is otherwise normal from the fertility point of view.
Infertility in women is conventionally defined as failure to conceive despite regular sexual intercourse for a year, without using any contraceptive. There are many reasons for female infertility. Some of the most common reasons are as follows.
Intrauterine Insemination in India is considered as a possible treatment option in those cases where the male partner has low sperm count or low motility, or suffers from problems like premature ejaculation. It is also a good option where the female suffers from endometriosis. For this procedure to be successful, the fallopian tube (on at least one side) should be free of obstruction, along with a functional ovary on the same side.
During intrauterine insemination at IVF centres in India, infertility specialists would retrieve carefully selected and prepared sperm, and place these directly in the uterus. The sperm placement is done at the appropriate time after ultrasound tests confirm the presence of mature eggs. Fertility drugs may also be used to increase the chances of conception.
In Vitro Fertilisation refers to the medical technique through which the female’s egg cells are fertilised by male sperm outside of the body. Hormones are used to control the female’s ovulatory process in order to ensure the generation of a sufficient number of eggs. The procedure is completed with the removal of the eggs from the ovary of the female and allowing the union of the egg and the sperm in a controlled fluid. Once the egg is fertilised, it is transferred to the female uterus. IVF treatment is preceded by a range of screening tests for both the male and the female. Screening tests can be done in the patients’ home country. The female should arrive in India a day or two prior to commencement of her monthly cycle and will be required to stay in India for two to three weeks. The male partner is required only for retrieval of the sperm, if he is otherwise normal from the fertility point of view.
More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, or both. In 30% to 40% of cases of sperm abnormalities, the cause is unknown. It may be the end result of one or a combination of factors that include chronic illness, malnutrition, genetic defects, structural abnormalities, and environmental factors. Some of the common factors causing male infertility are:
Research studies indicate close to 10% of infertile men have immune reactions to sperm, which cause them to produce antibodies that kill sperm cells. Varicocele (enlarged veins in the testes) is another cause in men where the veins draining the testes get enlarged causing decreased oxygenation to the testes affecting sperm quality. Male tube blockage can also be due to obstructions in the tubes that transport fertile sperm. Sexually transmitted diseases are also linked to tube blockage problems. The fertilizing potential of sperm depends on the shape of spermatozoa, their motility and their ability to perform the functions necessary for fertilizing an egg and finally, the transfer of an intact genetic material (DNA) to the egg at the time of fertilization.
The science of Infertility Treatment is constantly evolving and new technology and expertise is being constantly developed at our advanced IVF Centre in India with the result that the Pregnancy and live birth rates have significantly improved over the past few years.
At India’s leading IVF Clinics we have a scientific approach to diagnose the cause for infertility. Our IVF center has state-of-the-art facilities for (IVF), In Vitro Fertilization and fully functional laboratory for diagnostic and therapeutic tests. The world class facilities along with competent staff have enabled us to achieve an outstanding success rate. We provide everything under one roof and make best possible efforts to help infertile couples achieve their dreams of parenthood.
Hundreds of International Patients who travelled long distance to India have benefitted from the expertise of renowned Indian doctors.
ICSI is a process where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg using a fine glass needle. The main objective of ICSI is to ensure that the spermatozoa fertilize the egg membrane. The woman is stimulated with medications and then an egg retrieval procedure is performed so that several eggs can be obtained to attempt an ICSI procedure. ICSI is recommended in cases of severe male infertility, previous fertilization failures with IVF or situations in which there are a limited number of oocytes available.
The most commonly encountered problems in men involve abnormal or insufficient sperm count. Problems can be either not enough sperm is being produced, or the sperm is of poor quality. The quality is usually determined by motility and shape. A normal sample will show 20 million sperm per millilitre at least half of which will be active. Depending upon the count / shape / motility different terminologies are used like oligospermia (low count), asthenospermia (poor motility), teratospermia . Further, various specialized sperm functional tests like sperm Hypo-osmotic swelling (HOS) test, DNA fragmentation Index (DFI), Reactive oxygen species (ROS) assessment, Nuclear chromatin decondensation test (NCD), Acrosome Intactness Index (AI), can be performed to predict the capacity of sperm to fertilize the oocyte (egg) but unfortunately there is not which can be done to treat the abnormalities in sperm. Some fertility drugs and antioxidants might improve count and volume. Majority of male infertility problems requires advanced assisted reproductive technique called Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).
IVF India has complete range of services to handle any kind of infertility with the best of professionals to back the best in class technology at work.